Short Summary: Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection (2017)
Authors: Tsung-Yi Lin, Priya Goyal, Ross Girshick, Kaiming He, Piotr Dollar
Link to paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.02002.pdf
2D-Detection, Background-foreground class imbalance
Improvement over previous methods
- State of the art on Coco2017 detection.
- New loss function for more efficient training.
Single-stage detectors such as SSD lack a first stage in which a lot of proposals are discarded (e.g. non-maximum suppression after RPN in Faster-RCNN). Therefore, background examples dominate the training and make it inefficient. While techniques such as hard example mining are often used to mitigate this imbalance, in this paper instead a new loss function is introduced. The loss function is an extension of cross-entropy loss, but gives samples that are easily classified less weight.
The loss function is simply cross-entropy weighted with a term, that decreases exponentially for easily classified samples (i.e. samples that the network classifies correctly with high confidence).
Focal loss:
Gamma controls how much easily classified samples contribute to the loss. High gamma means less contribution and vice versa. Alpha is similar as in weighted cross-entropy and is a constant weighting factor for background-/foreground-samples.